Mikayla Vosseller

Botox injections provide a great way for many people to improve facial wrinkles without having surgery. Botox is the most common cosmetic treatment performed by physicians in the United States, with over 3.8 million procedures done each year. Botox works by reducing the effects of hyperactive muscles which lead to wrinkles in the area around the eyes (crow’s feet), on the forehead and between the eyebrows (glabellar furrows). Botox is best at reducing dynamic wrinkles, lines which form with facial animation such as smiling or frowning. The effects of a Botox treatment usually lasts 3-6 months. Most people return to work the same day with little if any bruising. Botox injections performed by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. There is an increasing trend whereby non-physicians perform injections under “physician supervision”. Physician supervision is in quotation marks, because the supervising physician may not even be in the same building. Before you have an injection, make sure the person treating you is fully qualified to perform the procedure and manage any potential complications. There are many “weekend” courses which teach people to do these injections. Obviously, no weekend course can teach an understanding of complex issues in facial aesthetics acquired through years of formal training in plastic surgery or dermatology. Dr. Kapadia personally performs all Botox, Restylane and Juvederm treatments in his practice. Botox injections have an excellent track record over almost 20 years of use. As mentioned previously, almost 4 million Botox procedures are performed each year in the United States alone, with a very low rate of long-term complications. Allergic reactions to Botox are rarely encountered.
Botox FAQ
Is Botox safe?
Yes. Botox has an excellent safety profile. More than 6 million Botox procedures were performed in the United States in 2012, with several million additional procedures performed in other countries. If Botox were not safe, it would have been taken off the market many years ago. Botox has been used for cosmetic treatments since the early 1990s and received official FDA approval for cosmetic use more than 10 years ago. Millions of people have been safely treated over more than 20 years with a very low rate of serious adverse events. In all likelihood, many people you know regularly receive Botox treatments even if they choose to keep this information private. Feel free to discuss the safety of Botox with your doctors (who may be Botox patients themselves!).
How does Botox work?
Botox helps relax overactive muscles. As we age, overactive facial expressions can lead to prominent lines and wrinkles. By relaxing these muscles, Botox can help lesson lines and wrinkles and help create a more youthful appearance.
Is Botox a poison?
Botox is a medicine which helps relax overactive muscles. In high doses, many medicines (including Botox) can be poisonous. The dose of Botox used for cosmetic purposes is relatively low, and there are very few long-term complications associated with this amount of Botox.
What are the main side effects associated with Botox treatments?
Bruising and redness at the injections sites are probably the most common side effects. The most common complication arising from Botox treatment is a drooping eyelid. In trained hands, this occurs in less than one in several hundred patients. This type of side effect is temporary and goes away as the Botox wears off.
Do I need to take time off of work to have Botox injections?
Most patients go right to work or other activities after a Botox treatment. Bruising can sometimes occur, but is usually mild and can often be covered with makeup.